
Lead Peer Mentor: Programming


Major(s)/Minor(s): Psychological & Brain Sciences

Transferred From: Moorpark College

Campus Involvement: TSC Lead Peer Mentor

Bio: Alexis is a senior who transferred from Moorpark Community College. She is a first-generation transfer student working towards her bachelor’s degree in Psychological and brain sciences and is planning to attend graduate school and earn a PhD in cognitive psychology. Alexis works at the Transfer Student Center, is a peer mentor for transfer students in the PBS department, and is a Research Assistant in the META Lab. Her hobbies include being outdoors, sewing, working out, climbing, camping, and talking to people. Alexis loves the community and emphasizes the importance of accessible third spaces, she will talk your ear off about the importance of talking to strangers and of course the brain/psychology.

Advice to Transfers: Transferring can be an exciting experience as well as an intimidating experience but with challenge comes growth! Take advantage of campus resources. There are so many more than you might expect and they are all full of people excited to be a helping hand. Every person's experiences are different but that doesn’t mean those experiences are isolating, there are many other transfer students struggling with some of the same emotions, fears, and anxieties that you are feeling, finding that community and sharing personal and shared experiences will help to feel less helpless in facing adversaries. Make the most of your college experience by walking around Isla Vista, checking out new coffee shops, finding new study spaces, and joining clubs. College is so much more than academics, it is community, connection, and understanding new perspectives. Never doubt yourself, you can do so much more than you expect. We also get to live at the beach so take advantage!!