Transfer Student Research Award (TSRA)

The Transfer Student Research Award (TSRA) provides support for transfer students to engage in research activities. One set of grants is given to graduating seniors for research projects to be completed by June; a second set of grants is given to juniors/rising seniors for research projects to be completed by December of the following year. The maximum award is $750 per project.

To be eligible for the Transfer Student Research Award, students must:

  • Be a UCSB undergraduate transfer student (admitted as a junior).
  • Be in good academic standing and remain so throughout the funding period.
  • Have not already received a full-year URCA grant for the same year.
  • Be currently engaged in a research or creative project, or planning to initiate one. It is important to note that grants are NOT awarded retroactively for completed projects.
  • Identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise your project, and obtain a letter of support from this possible mentor. The faculty mentor must be a member of the Academic Senate.
  • Develop a poster that represents your research and any findings and share that poster at the Undergraduate Research Colloquium. For senior and junior grant recipients, this Colloquium will be held in May of the year the grant is awarded.

All students who meet the criteria above are eligible to apply, regardless of major or college affiliation.

The deadline to submit proposals for the Transfer Student Research Award is in March. 

For more information about this award, visit the TSRA webpage.

TSRA Recipients

2018 - 2019

Veronica Butler: The effects of negative political rhetoric on reward responsiveness  
Felix Briones

Neda Ziaei Kajba: Biological navigation in three dimensions: perception of gravitational fields by C. elegans.  

Alas Tarin: Church of Cosmic Origin and School of Thought Research Project

Courtney Chan: The Effects of Racial Prejudice on Ideal Affect  
Tori Eisenhart: Chumash Subsistence and Ritual: An Analysis of Shellfish and Plant Remains from Santa Cruz Island
Isaiah Rodriguez Anguiano: A relationship between recognition memory and decision probability task performance
Julien Van Den Berg: Masculinity in the Speech: A Case Study of Creaky Voice in a Transgender Male Speaker  
Yucen Liu: Research and Development Protocol of Magnetic Droplet
2017 - 2018

Jake Eisaguirre: Effects of Sea Star Wasting Disease Inside and Outside Marine Protected Areas

Sedonna  Goeman-Shulsky: Pimu sea mammal hunting reveals reproductive behavior and the historical ecology of pinnipeds

Linda Toch: Value Affirmation Intervention: Effects on Southeast Asian American Students' Academic Self-Efficacy

Stephanie Perez: Latina Women in College Sports

Lezli  Ballesteros: Improving Academic Success Through Community Building: The Effects of Transfer Mentorship Programs

Megan Riley: Death Receptor 5's role in RNA Stress Induced Apoptosis

Kian Maalizadeh: Social Integration and Career Readiness of Transfer Students

Elizabeth Cook: Happenstance URCA Spring Proposal

Neda Kajbaf Ziaei: Identifying Caspases Driving Programmed Cell Death in Response to Toxic RNAs  

Jennifer Freeman: Academic and Social Success of Transfer Students

2016 - 2017

Sierra Bailey: Impact of Culling on Lionfish Predators 

Esther Li: The Effects of Social Media as Distraction on Multimedia Learning

2015 - 2016

Gregory Chism: Competition and Coexistence of Sandy Beach Rove Beetles 

Zachary Feinn: Investigating The Fair Distribution of Public Metered Wifi as to Provide Free WiFi to The Homeless

Eugenie Guzelian: Examining Sex Differences in Stress Induced Potentiation of Ethanol Sensitivity

Kenny Imery-Bonilla: Effects of Varying pCO2 on Maternal Input during Oogenesis 

Daniel Knauss: Epigenetic Responses of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus to Elevated CO2 Levels 

Veronica Mandujano: The Migration Industry 

Kyle McGrath: Creativity and Resilience 

Charles Mills: Nitroso - Mediated Radical Coupling to Generate Hindered Anilines

Andrea Mora: Barriers to Help Seeking among Latino / a Parents 


Undergraduate Student Research